Sunday, October 19, 2014

Honing In On Working Out

This post has been something I've wanted to write for a while now. It's something I don't like admitting, but who would?

Wedding life is amazing, first off. My wife is really wonderful. She's my best friend and we've already been through a lot in six short months. But prior to our wedding, we had a lot of stress. Wedding stress, family stress, work stress, you name it. Things are smoothed out now, but that came at a price. That price? 30 pounds heavier.

See, I've always tried to be relatively fit, and there's a reason for that. I've scared myself into being fit and healthy, (and I'm sorry family, but you're the example here..) I have family members who aren't. An uncle who's vastly overweight, and a granddad who ate himself into diabetes and being overweight, yet has done nothing to combat his now life-long sentence of a constant high-low sugar levels, insulin shots, and all the extra junk that comes with diabetes.

It's not fun to see family not care about their health, when you know they can be better and live life longer. But that doesn't mean I have to be like that. 30 pounds to some may seem like not a big deal. But when you're a kid who's lived about 80% of his teen life at 160 pounds, and under 15% body fat, gaining that much that quick is a wake up call.

But that brings us to today.

Hailey and I have been eating at home. We cook cleaner, eat less fatty, junky foods. I actually like salads now. Fruit is something I seemingly can't go without. Oh, and for those that know me well? Sodas are now severely limited to when I'm out with friends. Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, all those big boys are staying out of my home now. Also, getting back to working out has been the absolute best. I understand that people have a hard time doing any sort of exercise. Pain hurts, I get it. But the results are worth the short-lived strain you'll have on your muscles, because that means your muscles are doing their job! Stretching them out, make them bigger, stronger, and better. It's also a phenomenal way to get your mind off the work day by listening to some great music while you're working out, too.

Anyway, this morning I woke up after a late night at Fright Fest with Hailey, and decided to do some floor/ab work, and then weigh in. I'm down five pounds without clothes on, and that feels great. It's a small step, but I'm happy about it. I want to get back to my target weight of 160-170, and be fit. Lose the small gut I've gotten because I chose (yes people, I said chose) to stress-eat to cope with everything that went on. I'm in control of what I do, and I refuse to do what I did before. I don't want to be an overweight statistic on America's obesity problem. I want to be healthy, and I want to be better to live longer for myself, and for my family. It needs to happen, and it's going to happen. 

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