Mother's Day was yesterday. It's the first year Hailey and I are out on our own. It's interesting, but a lot of fun. This whole thing, about growing up, and learning more about yourself and your significant other is unbelievably wonderful. I love it. It's one of the greatest challenges I've had. Yet, I've really been thinking back about some things, specifically this week, about my family. Family is important. It's important to invest in their lives. Not just doing the basic work that makes your family keep going. No. Not that. Investing in their lives where you're able to pick up their mood immediately as they walk into the room. Going to surprise them with a little gift you know they'll like, just because you love them. Investing where you know what to order for them at restaurants if they aren't there, and be right the first time. I've come from a family where all of this has happened. Where we've done family trips all over the country, because we all love exploring. Where we may fight, but the fights don't last too long, and we're stronger after it, and don't make the same mistake twice. After all, it was my dad who said as I was growing up: "Measure twice, cut once".
I want to take a moment to write this out. I don't care how many people read this. I'm doing this for me, because I love writing, and I love sharing what I write, even if it's with a small audience. My family is important to me. So I want to write out my thoughts on each member.
First: My Hailey

I want to take a moment to write this out. I don't care how many people read this. I'm doing this for me, because I love writing, and I love sharing what I write, even if it's with a small audience. My family is important to me. So I want to write out my thoughts on each member.
First: My Hailey

This is the girl that stole my heart. She's smart. In year of college, she did two. She works two jobs, and has this work ethic of getting things done faster than you can ever imagine. Did I mention she's beautiful? With eyes that you can get lost in for forever, and a smile that will make anyone's bad day instantly better, I'm a lucky man to now be waking up next to her every morning. Oh, and did I say yet about how much she cares? No? Okay, let's put it this way: The first time I ever got sick, she drove 30 minutes out to the middle of nowhere where I work, brought me a 'Thank You, Jesus' (Secret Jamba Juice Menu...get on checking that out...), and cough drops, took my temperature, and asked every day when I was going to make a doctors appointment, because I was going to just ride out the cold, and she wanted me to go to get checked out, so she bugged me until I went. Because she cared. Ah, and I haven't mentioned her sense of humor. She can get me laughing to the point of tears. I haven't laughed with anyone more than her in the time we've been together. She's everything I could ever ask for in a wife and more.
So much could be said for this now seven year old. I was privileged to travel to China when we adopted her. She has a cleft lip (fixed now) and cleft palate (going to be fixed). You'd never think she had it though, with her spunky personality. She's seven, and at a fourth grade reading level. She is at the top of her class and at the top level for her age at the moment for gymnastics, and she's got her first meet already this coming July. She, next to Hailey is the girl who has me completely wrapped around her finger, and I'd do anything for. Hannah has adopted my love of Disney, and every Friday on my lunch break, she asks to watch an old Mickey Mouse short, and wants me to show her old photos of 'what was at Disneyland before I was born.' Her giggle is infectious, and her desire to be the best is inspirational. She loves any princess, and adores reading and telling everyone about her latest book she read. It's really a blessing to see how far she's come, and will go.
Now for...
This girl...this girl is awesome. She's got the biggest heart of gold. There's been so many times through my life she's done things for me just because she wanted to, and I didn't realize it was something special until much later. For instance, when we were kids, she ran into the kitchen and asked my parents for a cup of water. They gave it to her, she ran back the way she came. Seconds later, she was back, and asked for a second. They asked "what'd you do with the one we gave you?" she replied: "That wasn't for me. That was Jacob's. May I have one for me now?" Things like that throughout my life she's done. We've argued like any siblings do, but at the end of the day, this beautiful girl is my sister and I'd do anything for her. She's amazingly smart and wants to get into wedding/event planning as a career, and I can't wait to see how it works for her. She's been drawing dresses and writing up what parties would look like ever since I could remember. Oh, and she has the COOLEST taste in music. My blondie found out who the Lumineers were before they became popular. Like, she was jamming to their EP months before they won grammies. It's amazing to hear what she finds, and then hear it months later as it's playing on the radio. As my closest sibling in age, she's one of my best friends.
Now for....
The Parents
This was originally meant to be posted over the weekend as a Mother's Day write up, but since have changed it. My parents are the best. My dad has given me the chance to grow into the man I am, and I wish I could be half the man he is. My mother has given me the chance to learn compassion and love for others. Both of them have given me the chance to see the world I live in, experience flavors and styles of all over America and China. They've given me the foundation of my passion for life and exploring the world around me. My dad has given me the love of movies and music, and understanding why artists create their work. My mother has given me the love of Disney, and shown me so many wonderful stories that she grew up on, and I got to grow up on as well. They're the reason I've become who I am, and I'm beyond thankful for that.
Which leads me to this: I'm now the man in my own family. I lead my family. It's definitely not something to take lightly. But with that said, I want to write this out: My family is never going to be stagnate. The world we live in is small enough already, and our lives are too short not to explore it. I've been blessed to be able to see over half the US and counting, and experience life in China when we adopted my sister. My family is going to experience culture, and new food, and countless memories made on trips. I would rather have a smaller house and a cheaper car, if that meant I can give my family the experiences of a lifetime. Through all of this, I'm sincerely thankful for my parents, who inspired me to see what's outside of my backyard, and explore what's around us. I'm thankful for a wife who's willing to be able to get up and go with me, and not just stay home doing nothing. I may only be twenty-one years young, but the life ahead of me and Hailey, I intend to live exploring the world around us. Which is why I'm thankful for this blog, where I can document and share the experiences we have.
You are on amazing young man, and you come from an amazing family. I have no doubt you'll succeed in all your goals.