Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Year in Review: 2015

Well, I keep saying I should blog more, then I don't. It's terrible that I'm not able to bring this good habit up to be more dominant, and yet I habitually bite my fingernails every day. I should try to write a post for every time I catch myself biting my nails. Then I'd actually get something done...

Eh, we'll see how it goes. For now, this is what I have to say.  I thought about it the other day, and I'm amazed at how great this year was. I remember as a kid when families would write notes out along with their Christmas cards and send a written year in review to friends and family. Well, this is the digital age and thankfully, you not only don't have to read my terrible handwriting, but you also have the option of reading this or going back to skimming Facebook and arguing politics with that one weird family member you keep around just because you can't quit them and their 'terrible views'.

And with just a few days left, I'm writing out some of the fun highlights of what Jake and Hailey Williams were up to this year. We survived the first year of marriage, went on a few trips, kept up with college, and just had an all around fun time with everyone in our lives. So, here's our year in review.

Really, it was a fun year.

Enter the time machine, and let's go WAAAAY back to the beginning.

Headed out to a party in Long Beach. 

Steampunk Family. THE BEST. 

Oscar Party, themed food. Is there any other way?

The wit behind everyone watching this show was amazing. 

Pretty sure that this is out of order for some events. That's because Jake was lazy and didn't save these photos as they happened...

Journalism convention in LA

My lady and I

The view didn't suck, either.

She's so cute. <3

Dinner at one of my favorite places. 

'cause when it rains in LA, you use your sun visor to shield yourself from it.


Oh, and we won some things. 

Professor and the awards. 

Really, this year didn't suck. First few months started off with a major bang! Not done yet, though. 

More random stuff. Like shooting Steampunk Theater's Amore show! 

Did I mention how crazily talented this group is? 

'cause they're crazy. And talented. 

Only acceptable time to go to Marie Callendar's is National Pie Day.

Excited to keep reading? Good. 'Cause the next batch of photos is a doozy. Or boozy. Boozy doozy? That a thing? I don't know. Whatever, here's photos of Hailey's 21st birthday in Las Vegas. 

Something pretty about the desert..

What you lookin' at, fish? 


Planet Hollywood. Great place to get a view like this. 

St. Patty's day B-day!

Can't not take lego jake and hailey with us! 


We fancy. 

Midnight strikes, and she got her first drink! 

Minutes later...

Oh, and she was surprised by a friend who was here at the same time, too. 

Sums it up. 

Free driiiiink.


I know you're wondering, but that bacon right there...yea. 

Jameson. On St. Patty's day. Is there any other way? 

They had their fun, and I played DD. 

But I couldn't not sit in the shoe. 

Great, you're still reading. I was worried you'd gotten bored and went back to BuzzFeed to see which Friends character you are (PS you're totally Janice) ((PSS: I know, I know, I'm a jerk.)) 

Bed and breakfast..
One of my favorite views

But this is my all time favorite view. 

Now that was another celebration...full year of marriage. First year down, and a lifetime to go. 

First tattoo! 

Our cousin Levi was born! 

Summer baseball game...

And only one of two Disney trips this year. 

And since this is slowly coming to a close, here's another big event to read....

We moved into a bigger apartment!

Out with the old, in with the new! 

Now, with what's left of whoever is reading this, props to you for sticking around. I know this is very TL;DR, but we had a big year. I'll wrap it up in the next three or so events. 


Meet Winifred. She's sort of the cutest thing in the history of ever.

Vet visit. 

I started a new job at CSUB as the Alumni Engagement Assistant.


I love this city. 

Can we have more architecture like this? 



Insane. Sheer insanity. 

I've never done Fremont before, so this was really cool.

Sad hailey is sad. 

WHAT? 3 cocktails for the price of 1?! 

This is how our road trips work. 

To wrap this up, the last big event of 2015 for us was camping out for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

When you wait 3 hours on cold concrete..

!Well, to wrap this up, thanks for reading, and if you haven't seen literally anything we've done this year, I hope you enjoyed this long little post. We had a great year, and we're excited for 2016. Big things are lined up to happen, and it's going to be a great ride. I hope your year was just as, or more exciting than ours. Here's to 2016....

- Jake and Hailey