Tuesday, December 17, 2013


So, I'm here to explain what this is. Some are confused by it, and I'll clear this up: we're using this registry site called HoneyFund to help assist with our Honeymoon. Now, there isn't any details about where we're going, because it's a surprise to Hailey. We can afford where we're going and what we're doing, but it's a way for people to give us donations for what we'll be doing, over getting us that third blender, or fifth set of drink coasters, and give us a chance to even do something we wouldn't be able to afford in the budget that's set for the honeymoon.

All you have to do, should you choose to, is go to the site here: Jake and Hailey's Honeyfund, choose what you want to gift (airfare, food, ground transportation, massages, etc) and gift a selected amount.

I personally was a bit confused at first about how it worked with setting the amounts, but now that I understand it, here's the breakdown..with the gifting, the price total is divided by monetary amounts. 16 gifts of $50 would pay for the entire airfare ($800 total). If there's two gifts of $50, then that's $100 towards it. This site is basically a cool registry way of doing honeymoon things over the other normal registry. Again, this is nothing we're expecting from anyone. We just thought it was a cool thing to add to our list, and if people see fit to give, then that's a definite blessing.

We're really looking forward to documenting the rest of our engagement and everything leading up to March 22nd. It's going to be such an amazing time! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Club 33

Merry Christmas from New Orleans Square! 

Last weekend, we were gifted with a really awesome opportunity from a good friend of ours to do what a few people can: step inside that infamous green door, in the back alleys of New Orleans Square at Disneyland, and dine at Club 33.

I was asked, in return by our friend, to document and take photos of the experience. Well, we took a lot of photos, and spent a lot of time inside the club. It's truly an amazing thing to get to experience.

So, along with text, here are a handful of photos that we shot on our camera and iPhones from the trip.

This is probably one of the coolest license plates I've seen so far. Pixar reference to the gas station first used in Toy Story, and then throughout all the other films as well: Dinoco! 

Had to get that awkward 'can you take our photo in front of the sign' shot. 

And now, we feast! 

I (Jake) have had the chance to eat here for dinner before, and now that I've had both lunch and dinner here, I really prefer the lunch better. 

Mickey and Pluto congratulated us on our engagement! 

And here is where the food shots come...


Hailey's Lamb

Jake's Filet

And probably the most delicious macaroni and cheese ever!

Champagne inside Disneyland? Only time I can do this? Sure! 

Views out the front balcony of the club.

Showed Hailey the trophy room. For those that don't know, this room was designed with microphones inside the chandeliers, and audio animatronic birds that were once supposed to interact with guests. It didn't happen, though. 

Look close and see the microphones..

This room is going the way of yesterland though (they're expanding the kitchen), once they expand the club next year. 

And..Hailey had to see 'The Thrones' for herself. 

By the time we got done with lunch, the entire place was near-cleared out for them to prep for the dinner crowds. We spent nearly three hours inside the club, asking questions to our server about the history, and turns out, her boyfriend is the city planner for Bakersfield! Small world!

Oh, and did we mention that there was a dessert buffet? 

And it.

Macaroons, caramel orange cupcakes, sugar cookies, fudge cupcakes, and the best spiced hot coco this side of Spain. 

Chocolate cake, cheesecake tortes, cake pops....oh my.

He never was inside the club when it was finished, but we found out that we sat at 'Walt's Table', which was really cool to know! 

It may be a fancy dinner, but we still have to have some fun! 

After dinner, there was a final expedition on the Mark Twain before it went down for the night to prepare for Fantasmic!, so we asked if we could ride in the wheelhouse of the ship, and they said yes! After all the years of going to Disney, this is still something I haven't done until now. 
Signing the book. 

Looking down on the lights being tested for the show. #GeekLife

So high up! 

And any trip here can't be completed unless we go over to bug my big brother...

So hi there, bro! 

Per the request of our gracious friend, we can't reveal who gave us this opportunity to step inside the Green Door, but we are incredibly grateful for the chance to do something so amazing. It was definitely a wonderful, and memorable experience we won't forget.